Who is The Midlife Second Wife?

© 2012 Elli Morris | ellimorris.com | Makeup by Carly Childers | Blackbird Salon, Richmond, VA 

Hello, and welcome to my blog! My name is Marci. I’m the Midlife Second Wife.

I started this blog because I discovered that there is life after 40, life after divorce (or, for some of you, the death of a spouse), and life after cancer. I’m living, laughing proof of it.

If you think of The Midlife Second Wife as Sylvia Plath and Nora Ephron dishing over lunch about relationships, life, style, culture, illness, and food—with me eavesdropping—you’ll get a sense of where I’m coming from. I tend to write at the intersection of literature and humor—combining art and entertainment, high-brow and the brows below.

Since launching TMSW in August of 2011, I’ve been honored by awards from readers and by the editors at the Huffington Post. HuffPost, where I’m a contributing blogger, chose TMSW as one of the top seven blogs for the over-50 set. (If you’d like to follow my Huffington posts, click here and hit any of the buttons that appear below “Get Updates from Marci Rich.”)

A few other things you should know: An essay I wrote about my mother’s slide into dementia was honored as a “Voice of the Year” by the editors at BlogHer, the Women’s Publishing Network. Soon after the debut of Katie Couric’s new talk show, I was invited to join the studio audience as a blogger and contribute to Katie.com. I write product reviews for Viewpoints, and in June 2013 Verizon asked me to partner with the company as a member of its Verizon Boomer Voices program. Verizon will be providing me with a wireless device and six months of service in exchange for my honest opinions about the product. As I write this I’m preparing to leave for Chicago, where Verizon will provide me and my blogging colleagues in the program with training, so please check the blog in the days and weeks to come for updates.

The reason for this sea change? Remarriage and relocation at the prime age of 54. You can read my Richmond Times-Dispatch essay, “Latitude Change Brings Attitude Change,” for the particulars. I’ve contributed other articles to the Times-Dispatch as well, including a profile on the amazing actress Sissy Spacek and an interview with another Oscar winner—Sally Field.

I’m also a published poet, and received the Academy of American Poets Award when I was an English and Creative Writing student at Oberlin College. (See? Literature’s roots go deep.) Much of my earlier work was published under my former name, Marci Janas.

Domestically, I now live in a lakeside-suburb of Cleveland with my second husband, the inspiration for this blog. I’m the mother of a wonderful young man and two terrific stepsons.

If you’d like to notifications of new blog posts to appear in your e-mail’s inbox, there’s a place at the upper left of the screen where you can sign up. And by all means please feel welcome to leave your comments! Your voice is important, too, so join the conversation—there’s plenty of room at the lunch table with Sylvia, Nora, and me.

Thanks for visiting. I’m glad you’re here.

—Marci Rich, aka
The Midlife Second Wife

24 thoughts on “Who is The Midlife Second Wife?”

  1. Hi Marci

    I am going through a transformation too – one relating to a mid-life career change.

    Your post inspires me. I really like your musings on the holidays and here in the UK, and as the now only child of divorced parents, I find myself splitting my family (my children being the only grandkids) between visits to parents who are in abroad and in the UK (and until last year, we lived in Cyprus).

    I have to blog and find myself split between blogging on the academics of the course (which is assessed) and wanted to blog about life in general. If you get the chance to look at my blog and offer any tips on layout, style etc, I would so appreciate it. Equally, as a busy person myself, I understand if you don’t.


    Many thanks


    • Tina, thanks so much for writing, and for reading my blog. Things are finally starting to quiet down now that we’re back
      from our trip and this daily posting challenge concluded today. I would be honored to take a look at your blog and will be in
      touch—it might take a week or so, but you will hear back from me!

      Thanks again, and keep writing!


  2. I love the name of your blog. Although this is my first marriage, I am Hubster’s second wife. It’s been an interesting transition for him from married, to single father life to married life. I look forward to hearing more from you!

  3. Marci –

    I have nominated your blog as one of my five favorite blogs for the Liebster Award. Liebster is a German word that means dearest, beloved, or favorite. This award is from fellow bloggers and must be given to blogs that have fewer than 200 followers. This is an opportunity for the blogging community to connect and share blogs they have enjoyed and been inspired by with others and I am truly glad to be able to nominate you. Please read my blog to find out the details! Thank you for writing such heartfelt and honest blogs! Be blessed!

    Making His praise glorious!

    • Dear Ree,

      The Liebster Award is quite an honor for new bloggers, and I’m really touched that you thought enough of TMSW to nominate it.
      I’m actually at a loss for words (for once!). Thank you very much for this. I’ll stop by your blog to thank you “in person,” as it were,
      and I look forward to the chance to nominate five blogs of my own.

      Again, my deepest thanks.


  4. Marci,
    I passed along the Versatile Blogger award to seven of my fav blogs (from different categories), so check out my homepage today with two links to your blog in the post! Many thanks and glad we have connected. Do you ever attend any blogging conferences? I’m going to Blissdom in Feb. You? Let’s stay in touch….Best, Nancy

    • Nancy, I’m so sorry for the delayed reply. I’ve been under the weather and am only now in an upright and vertical position.
      I look forward to checking out your blog post! And you’re welcome for the bling! I’m glad that we’ve connected, too. I’ve been toying with the idea of attending one of the BlogHer conferences; haven’t heard about Blissdom but will definitely check it out. Take care and I’ll see ya on Twitter!

  5. Marcie,

    Embarrassingly, in my newness, I don’t seem to have captured your phone number to tell you your order is in!!!

    Your order at La Diff is in! On a positive note, while I already meant to google your blog, now it’s really given me a chance to look at it!

    Nice reading about you and maybe I’ll be able to incorporate some of your advice into everyday life as I’m getting married soon!

    Talk to you soon, I hope! Jamie at La Difference 804.648.6210

  6. Hello Marci! Your blog is beautifully written and inspiring. I’m a new blogger and so pleased to have found your site. I’m also a 2nd wife (in my 3rd marriage) with 3 step-daughters (the girls were 13, 15 and 17 when I moved to Chico to marry their dad). Wow! It was a journey for all of us but I’m pleased to say we hit our 11th anniversary in Sept. Life is such a trip! I look forward to following you. Cheers, Heather


  7. Hi Marci,

    My name is Rebecca Klein and I work for the Huffington Post’s section for baby boomers (Huff/Post50). Huff/Post50 would like to include your blog in a guide for our readers of best midlife blogs. Would you be able to email an image of you to go with our story? (Something informal and unposed would be ideal; it can be you alone or with family or friends — just please send caption information if you decide to do the latter.) If you could e-mail me at Rebecca.Klein@huffingtonpost.com that would be great.

    Thanks so much.

  8. Hi, I just found your blog and am so glad I did. I nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award. Below is a link to my post regarding the award nominees. No pressure to participate but I just wanted to highlight your blog and journey. All the best! http://bookpeeps.org/2012/11/15/the-one-lovely-blog-award-and-the-beautiful-blogger-award/

  9. I have that whole mid-life thing going on myself. Nice to meet you!

  10. Great blog! You betcha there is life after 40. It’s wonderful to see someone over 40 blogging since many bloggers are in their twenties. Often, I feel like I am the oldest blogger in the world–lol.

    Even though I live in NYC, I have been to the Richmond area a few times and it seems like a charming town.

  11. Do you now live in Arizona? I’m trying to find out if I just met your husband. Is his name Mike?


  12. jennifer miller said:

    Lovely blog! Spent considerable reading the background and “old” posts – so very inspiring. I’m a third wife to my third husband, we married when I was 59 and he was 58. There are more of us than one might imagine! Happy New Year to you and yours. Jen (NY)

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